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Sun 30 Mar

Event Info

Director: Rosalind Fredericks, Sarita West USA/Senegal, 2024, 61'minutes French, Wolof with English subtitles

Starts on time - no adverts 

Enclosing open-air dumps and outlawing waste picking are key approaches to modernizing cities around the world. 'The Waste Commons' explores the dramatic transformations involved in the impending upgrade of the city waste dump in Dakar, Senegal, and the lives that hang in the balance. It follows charismatic Zidane, trailblazing Adja, and their waste picker community, as they battle to defend their carefully crafted worlds and rights to waste.

Access Needs: Please contact us to book if you have any access needs that will require suitable seating or if you need a designated wheelchair space.

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Dates & Tickets

Dydd Sul 30 Mawrth, 2025