Aberystwyth Arts Centre is undertaking a new Business Development Project, looking at our communications, messaging and marketing engagement with audiences.
We are seeking to contract experienced and committed arts marketing professionals to lead the project management, implement testing strategies and deliver new campaign activity in 3 phases of this project.
We would like to hear from all interested parties and we welcome applications to either individual or multiple phases from the project as follows:
Phase 1: Project management and setting strategy: Identifying audience and data driven messaging, brand analysis and campaign strategy development, package of work is to be delivered by the end of August. Estimated freelance fee c. £13,500.
Phase 2: Landing the messages: Campaign implementation, marketing engagement and market testing. Marketing delivery to be undertaken from August until mid-December. Estimated freelance fee c. £16,000.
Phase 3: Review project impact: Evaluation and reporting on strategy efficacy and marketing delivery impact. All reporting will need to be delivered by the end of December. Estimated freelance fee c. £5,000.
We have apportioned notional amounts to each phase and hold a separate budget of c. £17,000 for marketing activity, print, digital and access materials, but are happy to receive candidates revised budget proposals as part of their submission.
Phases 1 and 3 can be delivered remotely/hybrid, but we anticipate that Phase 2 will involve more direct work in and with the venue and our team, with physical proximity being important.
If you are interested, please send a short submission in response to the phases with financial proposals and a CV to Louise Amery lla@aber.ac.uk by 8.30am on Wednesday 10th July.
This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, supported by the Cynnal y Cardi Fund via Ceredigion County Council.