Ewch at gynnwys
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Mer 26 Maw - Iau 27 Maw

Event Info

Location: Emily Davies Studio, Parry Williams Building, Aberystwyth University.

Tickets are free

American Primitive is a TFTS student-led, dramaturgical performance. It honours Mary Oliver's Pulitzer-prize-winning collection of poems of environmental and American nature.

Through earthy sounds, green smells, watery lighting, and physical group work, this student ensemble attempts to rediscover the meaning behind Oliver's poetry. The piece is an invitation for the audience to uncover the roots of the American topography.

In a world that so easily and so often forgets to admire the value of simply being, this performance is a celebration of the human experience. It is a reminder that we exist, and we are savage, saturated, sumptuous, and delicious!

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Dyddiadau a Thocynnau

Dydd Mercher 26 Mawrth, 2025
Dydd Iau 27 Mawrth, 2025